Pamper yourself this summer

Indian Bloggers

Tired of giving excuses about your tanned skin to friends and relatives? The harsh sun rays are taking away all the charm and glow of your skin making it essential to shield your skin. In summers, skin becomes scruffy and loses all its moisture which paves the way to tanning, pre-aging and brown spots. Following are some of the refreshing advices to keep your skim plump and healthy.

  • Scrub the tattered skin out

To get that desired gleam in your skin the most important thing is to scrub the dead skin and cleanse the pores which lead to black heads. Although there are many scrubs available in market but its best to avoid chemical and exfoliate the impurities out of your skin with the natural way right from your kitchen cabinets.

Pamper yourself this summer

  • For those having normal to dry skin applying oats pack can be very useful. Mix spoonful of oats and curd and then apply this pack on face. After the pack gets dry rub the pack with few drops of water and then wash it off. Your skin will not only be deeply cleaned but also moisturized, de-tanned and rejuvenated.

  Pamper yourself this summer

  • Wearing a sleeveless and a wide neck shirt in summer can lead to embarrassment because of the patchy skin which is an unwanted gift by the sun. Bequest your body with this scrub pack which can be easily made at home. Take a spoon of red lentils (masoor), spilt dehusked black gram lentils (dhuli urad) and rice. Soak the three in raw milk for 1-2 hours and then grind it. Add honey, few drops of lemon and rose water in the mixture and you can apply this pack on your face as well as body. After leaving it for few minutes gently rub your skin with few drops of water and then finally wash it off. You will be surprised by the result and using this pack once a week can lead you to baby soft twinkling skin. Using a toner after exfoliation followed by a moisturizer is essential for maintaining the healthy glow. You can pat your skin with rose water frequently to keep the pores closed and your skin enlivened.
  • Sun Protection

Pamper yourself this summer

Avoid going out in this rising temperature especially between 11am to 4pm. Remember whenever you go out apply a sun screen 15 minutes prior to your date with sun. Your sunscreen has to be of SPF 40 and above protecting you from UVA and UVB. In case you forget to apply sunscreen, after coming back immediately massage a slice of tomato on your skin. This will not only invigorate your skin with vitamins A, C, E, K and B6 but will cool down your sunburns. With regular use you can also reduce acne scars and its appearance. 

  • Keep an eye on what you drink and eat

Pamper yourself this summer

Your external skin is the mirror of your internal health. Therefore it is very important to maintain healthy habits avoiding fried food and alcoholic drinks. Eating lot of fruits and sprouts will not only keep you hydrated from within but also replenish your body with vital vitamins and minerals nourishing your system. Drinking 4-5 litre of water daily is vital for your body and shining skin. If you are addicted to tea and coffee double your water consumption.