Men’s grooming products that actually work.

Want to lure a girl in your college or office? Well, then all you need to do is simply pay attention towards your grooming. Studies have shown that attractive men are more preferred by women. Gone are the days when only women spent time pampering themselves and their skin. So men stop being diffident and try these varied products of grooming available in the market.

Gillette Classic Sensitive Skin Pre Shave Foam

Men's grooming

If you have a sensitive skin and avoid shaving frequently due to the side effects of shaving cream then this one is for you. Classics are always favoured and with simple feather light smell you would not go anywhere without shaving.

Nivea Men Sensitive Cooling shaving foam

 Men's grooming

This foam is very gentle on your skin and gives a cool finishing feel every time you shave which is heavenly in summers. The light bluish foam gives adequate glide to the razor while the mild fragrance leaves you refreshed.

Philips QG3387 Multi Grooming Kit

Men's grooming

Hair are loved by all but its presence in wrong places and in wrong lengths can be a big goof up. Today is the era of well groomed men and women like the one who are up to par from top to toe. Philips QG3387 Multi Grooming Kit can be answers to all the trimming needs which arise from time to time for men. This waterproof multi groomer comes with eight attachments which helps you get the ideal stubble and trims any area of your body. You can also get rid of your hairy nose with nose clipper attachment. So take this one with you on travel and tours and body hair would not disappoint you.

Nivea for Men Sensitive After Shave Balm

Men's grooming

Nivea After Shave Balm has 0% alcohol therefore you will not feel any burning sensation which are common with the after shave lotions. It relieves from instant skin burns which are created by the razor. With prolonged use, you can augment your skin’s softness and glow.

Garnier Acno Fight Face Wash for Men

Men's grooming

Who said that acne scare only girls? Men are equally tortured and using this product you can fight the six signs of acne reducing the chances of getting attacked by zits. It clears oil and dirt and with its micro beads it also clears the black heads.

Loreal Men Expert White Active Oil Control Charcoal Foam

 Men's grooming

Loreal Men Expert White Active Oil Control Charcoal Foam is reply to skin whitening, skin clarity banishing acne all in one. Its charcoal content cleanses your skin deepest pores giving you anti spot skin and its zit-zapping salylic acid stops existing and future eruptions.

Vaseline Extra Strength body and face lotion for Men

 Men's grooming

Regular use of razors makes the skin dry and unhealthy. This lotion provides a no-greasy 24- hour protection Moisturizers even the severely dry skin. Vaseline men skin care provides the apt amount of hydration making your skin give a hearty glow of health.

Listerine Coolmint Mouthwash

Men's grooming

However good looking you are but you would not go far if you have a smelly mouth. This one is amazingly effective on bad breath so if you are planning to eat raw onion or garlic in lunch but you are having a hitch because of the bad odour it causes then carry Listerine Coolmint Mouthwash in your pocket.

Clinique skin supplies for men Anti-Fatigue Cooling Eye Gel

Men's grooming

Today we spend most of our time on laptops and mobile phones which is very taxing for eyes leading to dark eye circles. This Anti-Fatigue gel is an instant booster in relieving eyes by its cooling effect and reducing dark circles. Therefore this one is must buy and ladies you can also sneak into his grooming kit for this one.

So men, If stress and pollution is freaking out your skin then try these products as the answer..

10 Nail Care Tips to have Healthy Nails

Nail Care Tips

Healthy and well-maintained nails add on to the beauty of your hands. But on a couple of occasions, our nails get tampered because of dirt and as a result these tend to look unhygienic. A special nail care routine is equally important to have perfectly sculpted nails and fingers. Don’t compromise on the elegance and femininity they reflect! Here are a few easy tricks to keep your nails healthy and hygienic.

Salt Bath:

Are you fed up with growing your nails when they just break for no reasons? Well, one of the best remedies to get rid of nails that break easily, is a salt bath. Get 4 tablespoons of sea salt in one litre of water and soak your nails for 15 minutes. Let your hands dry for few minutes and later on apply some cuticle softener for better results.

Buff your Nails to make them Shiny

Are your nails losing its shine and lustre? Brighten your nails using buffer in correct way. See video for the right way of buffing.

Chamomile Bath

Chamomile Bath is the best solution to avoid your nails turning yellow. Add a few spoons of dry chamomile blossom that is readily available in stores that sell aroma products. Add it to 2 cups of water and brew it for 20 minutes. Dip your nails in it for 15-20 minutes. Do it three times a week at least. Combine it with lemon juice rubs if you want healthier nails.

Nail Creams

Nail creams are the fastest solution to your problems. Do not compromise on them by using regular hand creams. Sometimes it is not enough. You need to get special nail creams. They are usually not expensive, and they are easily available in stores near you. Experiment with a few until you find the one that is the best-suited for you.

Gelatin Treatment

Gelatin helps in healthy nail growth. To get better results, make sure you apply a basecoat of gelatin under your nailpolish.

Apply NailPolish Correctly

You should never apply your nail polish in thick coats! Instead apply your polish in two thin coats. This will make your polish dry faster. This will also prevent the unwanted smudge marks and keep your nails safe from chipping!.

Avoid Cuticle cutting

Never cut your cuticles! Instead apply some cuticle remover gel or cream and gently push your cuticles with a cuticle stick. That will make your nails look cleaner.

A Manicure Session

Take a proper manicure session and repeat after right intervals. After one session, let it dry properly for at least an hour before you go for nest session! Ensure that you should never use direct heat of a blow-drier to dry your nails. It takes away the moisture of the skin instantly.

 Jojoba Oil

Do you want soft and supple hands? Use jojoba oil. Aloe extracts can heal the cracks which you are likely get during cold weather around your cuticles.

Nails Filing

 Lastly, file your nails properly and remember to apply cuticle oil daily! Daily care would never make your nails unhealthy.

So Ladies. It’s about time you start paying attention to the proper growth and maintenance of your nails.  Flaunt your well-clipped, nicely shaped, clean and healthy nails with grace!


Winter is on and we ladies get excited what to try for this new season. We have for you some beauty tips for winter that will make you beautiful and will also get you a chance to win Makeup Kit. Go for a natural no makeup makeup look and mail your winter makeup tips, pics or videos at and like our page to win.

Natural look is all about a perfect skin and fresh glow. There are the days when you don’t want to be ‘too done’ rather keep it simple and go for a natural look. It’s always in style, no matter at what time of the day you put it; day or night. And to make your “no makeup makeup look” pocket-friendly ShopClues brings you a range of makeup products with offers and discounts. Follow these simple and quick steps on makeup ideas in winters before you step out in this cold weather:-

Step 1: Clean your face with a face wash or cleanser:

Winter Makeup Tips

It exfoliates your skin and makes it look fresh. Apply a moisturizer to warm up and even out your skin. Grab this deal from Shopclues where you get these beauty products with upto 30% discount. You can also use a liquid foundation with a dewy finish. Always apply moisturizer and foundation with a sponge. Instead of foundation you can even go for a BB cream.

Step 2: Use Concealer With SPF:

Winter Makeup Tips

To cover up any flaws on your face use a concealer with SPF between 15 to 30, which you can again get on Snapdeal as well. The trick is not to use it too much. For blemishes, dab a bit of it, blend it well using your fingers, and build up coverage in thin layers. For dark circles, apply it smoothly under your eyes, and then gently pat with a finger to blend.

Step 3. Go for an Oil Absorbing Powder:

Winter Makeup Tips

If you feel that your face is too much shiny, go for an oil absorbing face powder. Swirl on foundation in a circular motion, this will give an undetectable mask and not a powdery look.

Step 4: Natural Blush:

Winter Makeup Tips

To go for a natural blush on your cheeks. Apply Cream blushes in warm peaches or pinks. Gently blush it only on the apples of your cheeks. Always make sure that the edges are perfectly blended out.

Step 5: Curl your Lashes and apply Mascara:

Winter Makeup Tips

Curl your lashes with a curler to give your eyes a fresh, awake, defined look and just swipe them by giving one coat of mascara which is easily available on Snapdeal and other ecom websites.

Step 6: Natural Eye Shadow:

Winter Makeup Tips

Apply a light color or neutral eye shadow that enhances the look of your eyes. You can even go for a soft, brownish touch. Go easy with the shades because the look should make people notice your eyes not your eye shadow.

Step 7: A Brighter Lip-Color:

Winter Makeup Tips

Now choose a lip-color that’s just brighter than your natural lip-color. It will complement your natural skin tone. You can even go for a lip balm or gloss.

So, ladies here is a quick video from us.

Now its your turn, go ahead to mail your winter makeup tips or makeup pics or videos at and like our page. The most useful and lucky one will get the chance to win a makeup kit. Don’t forget to like our page to enter the contest.